I thought I had found something that might do the trick when I came across this deodorant online. Lavalin is an old school cream that you apply with your fingers. By looking at this box design I would say it hasn't changed since the 70's. This cream is a annoying because you have to rub it on with your fingers. You have to be careful that your hands don't brush against your shirt while trying to apply. It's messy to put on and doesn't wash off your fingers easily.
It worked alright in fighting odor, but I couldn't be bothered going through the process every day. It also does not say it's a non-staining formula. I didn't wear it much past a week, but I'm sure if I had it would have stained up my shirts.
Sniff King, You are using this product incorrectly. You are supposed to apply it after an evening shower and remove it by showering again in the morning. I had a pretty bad odor problem, as does my son. I find that after a correct application and daily showers, I only need to apply it once a week before even a bare hint of odor returns. This product is not for daily use.
Try it that way and let us know how it works for you.
Agree with lambdadad!
Lavilin truly works and only requires one application every 7 days. Not sure if the product above functions the same way, but this Lavilin: http://www.amazon.com/Lavilin-Underarm-Deodorant-Cream-10/dp/B000X9N4AQ/ref=pd_sim_hpc_7 , definitely works.
Running, partying, sweating, nothing deters this cream. Just take a shower to wash off the sticky sweat and you are done.
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